Talk About Blyton!

Malory Towers – BBC adaptation

July 11, 2019 – Kyra M says: Is anyone planning on watching adaptation of Malory Towers on CBBC when it comes out? I was really excited for it, but after reading about it some more, I'm feeling a bit sceptical with all the changes they're planning on making.
July 14, 2019 – Paul says: Something like Marmalade Atkins would be closer to Enid's spirit than what CBBC are planning.
July 18, 2019 – Paul says: Can we really *trust* the BBC to do Towers justice? Anyone who remembers the BBC "Chronicles of Narnia" remembers Auntie Beeb's attempts to pass off Scotland as Narnia. Be wary, be cautious, should be the watchword.
March 23, 2020 – June Johns says: Darrell should be played as if she were like Mildred Hubble.
March 25, 2020 – Elaine says: I've seen the first two episodes on i-player, and apart from an added story about Malory Towers being haunted which I'm not too keen on, it seems really good. When I was reading the books, I obviously imagined the characters how they appeared to me, so it seems a bit strange seeing them in 'real life' and Matron seems much stricter than she does in the books, but the young girls who play Darrell, Sally and co have done a great job. It would be interesting to see if they decide to go right on to the final books. As I said, very well done!
September 23, 2020 – Shelley says: I've just been watching the show on youtube. Why did they make matron like Mrs Trunchbol. In the books Matron was jolly and fun.
October 27, 2020 – Tanya Cameron says: CBBC has tried to strike a balance between keeping to the spirit of the books and taking out "1940s" elements that are outdated.
March 3, 2021 – Pet Jeffery says: I watched and enjoyed the entire series. There were a lot of problems about its unfaithfulness to the books. For example, completely changing Matron's character, and giving Darrell dyslexia. I suppose that the latter was to raise an 'issue'. But the girls played their parts with gusto. Much of the spirit of Malory Towers remained, although many details were changed. As long as one viewed it as a work in its own right, rather than a dramatisation of the beloved books, it was not only thoroughly enjoyable but one of the better things shown on television in recent years.
March 10, 2021 – Maya says: I really feel like the BBC adaptation of Malory Towers is not that great because after I read the books I imagined MT as being busy as there were four towers full of different girls. However, in the BBC series, it is VERY quiet and there is barely anyone walking around. Also, why is there no-one at the beach/ocean? It is so empty.
April 5, 2021 – James says: As a big fan of Enid Blyton, I had to watch Malory towers, especially as my relative is in it! Though being more of a Famous Five, Five Find Outers and Secret Seven fan, I thought this modern take on Blyton was pretty good, it was well acted and some of the girls will definitely go on to bigger things I am sure. I cannot really comment on how faithful it was to the original stories because I only have a faint recollection of having read Malory Towers in my youth, but all the elements of Blyton were there, good friendships, mystery and midnight feasts. I have been informed by my family that the series has been recommissioned for at least a further two series and both series two and three are being filmed at the same time, so plenty more Malory towers to look forward to.
March 2, 2022 – Jessica says: I was also quite happy with the TV series adaptation. I thought the actress for Darrell and Mary-Lou were spot on! I thought it was an interesting twist that it seems like Darrell is suffering from dyslexia however I don't like how matron has a completely different character. I don't understand how she is still employed there. I think the second season has come out however I haven't watched it yet as I think its only in the UK currently and I'm in Australia.
May 22, 2022 – Nan says: I quite liked the 'Malory Towers' series. A lot of fan fic and adaptations on Blyton really don't do her justice at all at best, and are so utterly terrible you'd have a more interesting time reading a Tesco magazine at worst. The series was just fabulous though; I loved all of the additional sub-plots (even Pamela's debutante ball, which apparently lot's of people aren't fond of). It was a lot more fast-paced than anything Blyton wrote, but still maintained that old-fashioned jolly hockey-sticks spirit. I've watched both season 1 and 2 and found them both tremendously interesting. I disagree with you, Jessica, over Matron's character as I think it's nice to dice up the traditionally Blytonian 'sensible, sensible, sensible' characters with some more vivid, less kindly figures of authority. I've seen both series 1 and 2 on bbc iplayer, and I think Matron is a lot nicer in the second. I don't think series three is available for replay, and I wasn't able to watch them live, unfortunately. P. S. James, if you don't mind saying, which character was your relative playing?

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